In this small film you can see how lymfocytes are attracted to a wound in a zebraqfish model. Seeing the process makes it easier to understand. Question remains…how does the lymphocyte know what to do?
In this small film you can see how lymfocytes are attracted to a wound in a zebraqfish model. Seeing the process makes it easier to understand. Question remains…how does the lymphocyte know what to do?
To cite the article below: “Low reproducibility rates within life science research undermine cumulative knowledge production“. Wound care research provides an excellent example. Quoting the EWMA Study Recommendations for clinical investigations in leg ulcers and wound care (2014) “However, we are all aware that the quality of many studies in this field remains poor and we would be doing a disservice as the European Wound Management Association if we did not encourage our members to join in the challenge of raising the quality of studies for the benefit of our patients.” This is 2015!
Wound care research more than often (def)end inconclusive articles with the phrase : “more research is needed”. The result may be inconclusive but the expert opinion is not, research was flawed because it does not proved the result the author was expecting based upon his or her expert opinion. In this little sentence you may already feel the importance of the expert opinion. It is interesting to notice meta analyses with conclusive results are put aside to the benefit of expert opinions. The expert opinion is leading in wound care. This means the wound care specialist concludes the meta analyses are based on wrong data and prefer their own opinion (expert opinion).
The “expert opinion” leads to the following observation: either it is impossible to do wound care research or we have a massive logical error preventing us to come up with widely accepted meta analyses. Anyway, following the international guidelines meta analyses are leading, not the expert opinion. But no matter who is right, in 2015 we still are using the same paradigms as in 1943.
So the conclusion of this article is valid for wound care; yes, there has been no cumulative knowledge production in wound care. (for 70 years)
Freedman LP, Cockburn IM, Simcoe TS (2015) The Economics of Reproducibility in Preclinical Research. PLoS Biol 13(6): e1002165. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002165
E L Howes. The rate and nature of epithelization in wounds with loss of substance SGO 1943 Vol 76 (738-745)
below are two random articles, feel free to do your own research…
Wether a wound heals or not is usually described as a balance, can the body handle what is going on in the wound? Logically we focus on what is going on on the “wound”-side of the balance. Nevertheless it is a balance and we may make good use of a word to summarize what is going on on the “bodily”-side of the balance. Why not use the word “vigor” ? Vigor originates from the Latin; vigere ‘be lively’. Generally it is used to describe the “force and strenght to live”. The amount of “Vigor” then has to outbalance the amount of “complexity” on the other side. Vigor is a favourable term because it is has a more holistic feel to it. Your vigor increases after a good night sleep but also with an antibiotic treatment. It also provides insight in why a wound might stall in its development (both ways).
Wound care in the 21st century is quite different compared to the current treatment. Even though most wounds heal by themselves, the wound healing process offers a window on the metabolism of the aging human. With the knowledge gained we also might find new treatment opportunites. It will not be an easy road but we will have to take it nevertheless.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you disagree or agree, discussion makes life better.